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There is ordinary chicken and then there is Bodhi Farm Happy Chicken ā€“ I have witnessed both types of chicken being prepared for the market. I can tell you that I will never buy ordinary chicken from the pasar again. Apart from Bodhi Farm Happy Chicken being probiotic, thereby being healthy to eat, with no added growth hormones or antibiotics, it is also prepared for market in a clean, hygienic environment with food grade antiseptics used to sterilise the area before and during processing. Iā€™m afraid that the same cannot be guaranteed for the chicken that is purchased in the pasar. If you want the best for yourself and your family, I highly recommend Bodhi Farm Happy Chicken.
Food Enthusiast
I am one of those people who really care about the food that goes into my body and that of my family. Until finally, I found Happy Chicken from Bodhi's Farm. At first, I doubted whether this was really a healthy and chemical-free organic product, but after trying it, the taste was different. The texture of the meat is different, the taste is different and much better. The broth is more savory and feels refreshing. You have to try Happy Chicken, it's the perfect mix of products that are not only healthy, but delicious too.
Loving Mother
Healthy Chickens from Bodhis farm
As someone who suffers from SLE, it requires me to consume food from natural ingredients, contains no chemicals/preservatives & low in fat, after trying various choices of chicken I highly recommend Happy Chicken from Bodhi's farm because the quality of the chicken is guaranteed to be natural and hygienic, has the texture of meat which is soft and tasty when processed to cook anything with a lower fat/cholesterol content, Happy Chicken from Bodhy's Farm is my choice.
Mother, Denpasar
As a mother who cares about the health of my two children, I try to provide the best nutrition for their growth. Happy Chicken from Bodhi's Farm is the right choice for me because apart from being more hygienic, Happy Chicken is also low in fat and cholesterol and without hormone additives. It tastes even better!! I see this as an investment in the health of my family. Let's start living a healthy life by paying attention to the food we choose.
Dina Verhees Sasmita
Self Employed